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Hanging Laundry


Catalase is an enzyme used to remove Hydrogen Peroxide residual after Hydrogen Peroxide bleaching. It will decompose Hydrogen Peroxide into Oxygen and water which is totally inert to environment.



2H2O2                                  O2 + 2H2O

BroaCAT - SH Conc
BroaCAT - SH Conc

Catalase that operate at wide temperature and can effectively remove hydrogen peroxide up to 2000ppm peroxide.

Can apply at textile, paper & pulp, electronic and environmental protection industry.

Architectural Structure
BroaCAT - AC Conc
BroaCAT - AC Conc

Catalase that can function under acidic pH? That's awesome! BroaCAT-AC Conc can remove hydrogen peroxide up to 2000ppm at 3.0-10.0 pH.

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