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Broanti 2PA
Broanti 2PA is a concentrated desizing agent suitable to be used as ready-to-use product and can be used for reformulation purpose.
Broanti 2PA is recommended for:​​
Hot Pad Batch Method –
Padding at 50 - 90ËšC and batch for 3 - 6 hours
Pad Steaming Method –
Pad Steaming at 70 - 100ËšC
Exhaust Method –
This can be used by Jigger, Washer and Softflow with temperature ranging from 40ËšC to 90ËšC
Regarding the dosage requirement, this is very much depending on the:
Desizing method and temperature.
Type of machine used for the desizing process.
Amount of starch, oil, wax and PVA present in the fabric.
The requirement of starch/size remain after desizing treatment.
The subsequent wet processing steps.
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